
The Heart Of the Matter
"I believed I had the power to insulate myself from extreme pain. This sounds ridiculous when said out loud, but that's what I believed. I had lost loved ones before but never experienced this kind of heart-torn pain in my chest.He wasn't even my child. Why did it hurt so much? It went from bad to worse due to my own prideful self reliance. Death, infidelity, incarceration, dementia, deception, rage, addiction, suicide... I finally cried out, "God help me, I can't carry it alone, it's too heavy." Looking back I now realize Jesus was standing there with a new heart the whole time. I still seek, but now with Him, my Saviour. This morning I realized my extreme pain 9 years ago was a tiny piece in comparison to what God experiences when His children are lost to Him. I praise God for the abundant joy, strength and thankfulness in the clarity and comfort he has provided through grace and Jesus Christ. Thank You Father."
-Tracy Burton
-Tracy Burton

the heart of the matter
the heart of the matter
Why go to church on Sunday?
I am always questioning myself.
What's the point, what's my motive?
What difference will it make?
Sometimes I feel like I'm spending my life
looking for reasons to do or not do stuff.
Its a kind of self-torture ritual.
But God, ever so gently shoves me in the
right direction, His direction, with a song
in my heart. "All of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory, and I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me." Before I know it, I am filled... with joy and hope for the week ahead. Eagerly looking forward to sharing that wonderful , Jesus inspired love with everyone I encounter.
Thank you Father.
-Tracy Burton
I am always questioning myself.
What's the point, what's my motive?
What difference will it make?
Sometimes I feel like I'm spending my life
looking for reasons to do or not do stuff.
Its a kind of self-torture ritual.
But God, ever so gently shoves me in the
right direction, His direction, with a song
in my heart. "All of a sudden I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory, and I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me." Before I know it, I am filled... with joy and hope for the week ahead. Eagerly looking forward to sharing that wonderful , Jesus inspired love with everyone I encounter.
Thank you Father.
-Tracy Burton
"Who am I, you might ask. I'm nobody.
One thing I became through fear and loss is sincere in my longing to hear GOD. But it wasn't sincerity and fear along that brought Jesus to my ears, it was prayer. It wasn't my prayers alone, it was the prayers of others. It happened 4 years ago, Thanksgiving. In this very building, sanctuary, temple whatever you want to call this place. I know it as a place where God hears and replies. His words to me were silly and playful, soft, meaningful and in the moment. He calmed my fear instantly. I want to say it was magic, but it wasn't.
It was GOD.
Thank you Father."
-Tracy Burton
One thing I became through fear and loss is sincere in my longing to hear GOD. But it wasn't sincerity and fear along that brought Jesus to my ears, it was prayer. It wasn't my prayers alone, it was the prayers of others. It happened 4 years ago, Thanksgiving. In this very building, sanctuary, temple whatever you want to call this place. I know it as a place where God hears and replies. His words to me were silly and playful, soft, meaningful and in the moment. He calmed my fear instantly. I want to say it was magic, but it wasn't.
It was GOD.
Thank you Father."
-Tracy Burton